This past weekend's long run was 6 mi. When I woke up at 6am Sun morning, it was 39 degrees. What to wear for a 39 degree long run? Must. Resist. Instincts. When it's anything under 50 I am tempted to put on long pants, a vest, a layer underneath...and then sweat profusely cursing my mileage as it creeps by. Running outfit fail. Big time.
So, I wisely set aside my instincts (scarf! hat! ear warmer!!!)... and simply put on a pair of running leggings, a lightweight drifit long-sleeve, and my rain/wind breaker. Of course my favorite drifit hat (the regular one, not the sub-zero temp one) was added to the mix.
...and I was off! 6 miles was really a lovely distance this past weekend. It was crisp, fall was definitely in the air, and my pace was remarkably quicker for the slow runner that I am. (I ran mostly 10:30 miles, when I normally run 11:15 on long days, go figure) Then I saw him. Short-shorts man.
Yes, short shorts, nothing else. It's 41 degrees outside. He was in shorts shorter than I saw some teeny-boppers wearing this past summer, and nothing else. Sprinting along. I felt ri-di-cu-lous. I just had to laugh out loud. Short shorts man probably woke up, thought, 39? Oh, that's balmy! Shorts it is! I drink coffee, ponder fleece, and then back away slowly. Hehe. Perhaps this is all part of becoming a runner. When you run fast, you get warm, and you don't need layers to keep you warm. Ahhh...the logic finally sets in.
So, 6 miles was dominated, and I am looking forward to my 7 miler next weekend! Until then - I have 2 speed work sessions to get in. I think I would rather run in short shorts than do speed work, but I do recognize how it can help my training. So - send speedy thoughts my way!
I have to figure out a good way to post photos. I have TONS of food pics and recipes, but no easy way to upload them since I blog from various computers here and there. Hmmm... still thinking.
Since I am hardly the most popular blog on the interwebs, I think it will suffice to say pics can wait another few days.
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