Monday, October 18, 2010

I would run 10,000 (meters...)

10K success! Yesterday I woke up for the Go! St. Louis 10k Halloween Race! I was a little nervous about covering the 6.2mi with a smile on my face given my epic fail of a long run from last weekend. However, I took it mile by mile, and actually ended up with all sub-11 min miles. Total race time was 1:05 even - not too shabby for a gal who could barely tackle her 13.1 6 months ago and was sans both big toenails.

I'm pretty happy that I felt so good after the race! I snagged a Vitamin Water Zero and a banana from one of the lovely volunteers, and stretched out after the cool down. My hubby (who is super fast) ran the 10k in 44 mins. Phew! I always feel like a slow poke compared to him - but then I realized the best thing about having a significant other who is speedy. It means they'll always be able to double back and cheer you on for the final stretch of the race!

Not sore today, and well on my way to being back to 1/2 marathon ready by the new year. Who knows? If I can get this mileage under control and dedicate myself to speed-work, I just might be looking at tackling the 26.2 in the next year....

For now? Yoga, lunch, and enjoying my post-race day number 1!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A recipe reminder for myself

Lately I don't really do anything unless I write it on a list and post it somewhere so I can be reminded to eventually check it off. So, that's what I'm going to do with my recipes as well. So - mental note - POST THESE RECIPES!

whole wheat banana muffins and their coconut-pineapple variation
mexican chicken bake
butternut squash and roasted veg enchilada
pumpkin soup (vegan)
roasted veg lunch rotation
oatmeal a thousand ways

That's a start....

Monday, October 11, 2010

I get it, I get it...

I should have learned my lesson. Have I not read my previous blog posts regarding fatty food, not enough sleep, and the impact on your run the following morning?

I should have learned my lesson.

But I didn't...

Saturday I spend 5.5 hrs in an organic chemistry lab. Whenever I am finished, I feel a little bit like a shell of a human. It takes a few hours of sunlight, grocery shopping, and NPR to get me back into my normal self. Also, since I have to be there at 7:30am, every other Fri night is shot for me. With long runs on Sun mornings, that means all Sat nights end with little to no vino, and an early bedtime.

Wow. I am so exciting.

So, in an attempt to shun this lack of a social schedule, I invited a friend over for dinner Sat night, and he brought a few friends of his. The hubby and I enjoy entertaining, so we thought it would be fun! Also, I knew it would force me out of my post-chem-lab funk a lot earlier.

However, it also meant I had to run around like a crazy lady for groceries, flowers, etc...clean the house top to bottom, and make myself presentable. Oh, and assemble dinner fit for guests!

I'm pretty sure I used up all of my muscle glycogen standing Sat am, cleaning for 4 hrs, and cooking for another 2hrs. Then, I sat back and enjoyed the evening. We had roasted butternut squash and black bean enchiladas, an endive salad with avocado, and angel food cake with fresh strawberries and gelato for dessert. (YUMMMMM!!!!)

Where's the problem? Oh, it was probably in the cheese plate before dinner, the 3 glasses of vino, and the 12:30am bed time that all left me feeling less-than-100-percent come Sunday am. I groggily scarfed down the toast/pb/naner combo that the running fairy (read: my hubby) made for me, and contemplated I had 7 mi to run.


The run was pretty uneventful. It was warmer than I wanted (since I couldn't wake up earlier than 7am), and I definitely felt sluggish, but overall it was fine. I did listen to my body, and tackled 6mi instead of 7. I was tired at 6, and knew that I should just call it off and not injure myself, etc.

So, lesson learned. In the words of SNL's spoof on the great GW:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

???? : )

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Speedwork breakthrough!!!!!!

Hello blog world, I have an announcement to make. To me, it's a milestone.

Tuesday, I ran a sub-30min 5k. That's right. All miles were under a 10 min/mi pace. Now, for you speedsters out there, this post is wimpy and in no means celebrates my success as a runner. To you I say, you are clearly reading the wrong blog!

For me, it was a milestone. I ran cross country, oh, ELEVEN years ago, and used to pump out 21-24 min 5ks like it was my job. Wait, it was. I digress...

But Tuesday afternoon, gnats be damned, I did a fabulous mile repeat session and actually blasted my speed work. Needless to say, I was a little tired, but just fine overall.

Today I need to tackle 3.5 miles and some strength training. I am still wrestling with how to best pair my running with weight sessions. I think as I become a stronger runner, the idea of running 4 mi of hills or speed work, then doing weights, won't seem so daunting. I am trying to diligently keep to my cross training and resistance workouts, since that might be the thing that makes me a better runner in the end. Until then, I'll muscle through. (No pun intended. Okay, maybe a small one perhaps.)

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

New wheels...

On an unrelated note - I finally bought a bike! I haven't owned a bike in a very long time - so it is nice to know I have some outdoor cross training options now. Hooray! I think tomorrow I'll do just that - bike and enjoy the fall weather. Lovely!

Biking words-o-wisdom so far:
-It's hard to look sexy in a helmet, unless your name rhymes with Schmance Sharmstrong
-Your tush will inevitably hurt after a day of riding until you get used to it.
-You might contemplate padded bike shorts due to the previously mentioned tush pain.
-It is true that you never really forget how to ride a bike!

Go figure!

Who wears short shorts???

This past weekend's long run was 6 mi. When I woke up at 6am Sun morning, it was 39 degrees. What to wear for a 39 degree long run? Must. Resist. Instincts. When it's anything under 50 I am tempted to put on long pants, a vest, a layer underneath...and then sweat profusely cursing my mileage as it creeps by. Running outfit fail. Big time.

So, I wisely set aside my instincts (scarf! hat! ear warmer!!!)... and simply put on a pair of running leggings, a lightweight drifit long-sleeve, and my rain/wind breaker. Of course my favorite drifit hat (the regular one, not the sub-zero temp one) was added to the mix.

...and I was off! 6 miles was really a lovely distance this past weekend. It was crisp, fall was definitely in the air, and my pace was remarkably quicker for the slow runner that I am. (I ran mostly 10:30 miles, when I normally run 11:15 on long days, go figure) Then I saw him. Short-shorts man.

Yes, short shorts, nothing else. It's 41 degrees outside. He was in shorts shorter than I saw some teeny-boppers wearing this past summer, and nothing else. Sprinting along. I felt ri-di-cu-lous. I just had to laugh out loud. Short shorts man probably woke up, thought, 39? Oh, that's balmy! Shorts it is! I drink coffee, ponder fleece, and then back away slowly. Hehe. Perhaps this is all part of becoming a runner. When you run fast, you get warm, and you don't need layers to keep you warm. Ahhh...the logic finally sets in.

So, 6 miles was dominated, and I am looking forward to my 7 miler next weekend! Until then - I have 2 speed work sessions to get in. I think I would rather run in short shorts than do speed work, but I do recognize how it can help my training. So - send speedy thoughts my way!

I have to figure out a good way to post photos. I have TONS of food pics and recipes, but no easy way to upload them since I blog from various computers here and there. Hmmm... still thinking.

Since I am hardly the most popular blog on the interwebs, I think it will suffice to say pics can wait another few days.