Monday, October 11, 2010

I get it, I get it...

I should have learned my lesson. Have I not read my previous blog posts regarding fatty food, not enough sleep, and the impact on your run the following morning?

I should have learned my lesson.

But I didn't...

Saturday I spend 5.5 hrs in an organic chemistry lab. Whenever I am finished, I feel a little bit like a shell of a human. It takes a few hours of sunlight, grocery shopping, and NPR to get me back into my normal self. Also, since I have to be there at 7:30am, every other Fri night is shot for me. With long runs on Sun mornings, that means all Sat nights end with little to no vino, and an early bedtime.

Wow. I am so exciting.

So, in an attempt to shun this lack of a social schedule, I invited a friend over for dinner Sat night, and he brought a few friends of his. The hubby and I enjoy entertaining, so we thought it would be fun! Also, I knew it would force me out of my post-chem-lab funk a lot earlier.

However, it also meant I had to run around like a crazy lady for groceries, flowers, etc...clean the house top to bottom, and make myself presentable. Oh, and assemble dinner fit for guests!

I'm pretty sure I used up all of my muscle glycogen standing Sat am, cleaning for 4 hrs, and cooking for another 2hrs. Then, I sat back and enjoyed the evening. We had roasted butternut squash and black bean enchiladas, an endive salad with avocado, and angel food cake with fresh strawberries and gelato for dessert. (YUMMMMM!!!!)

Where's the problem? Oh, it was probably in the cheese plate before dinner, the 3 glasses of vino, and the 12:30am bed time that all left me feeling less-than-100-percent come Sunday am. I groggily scarfed down the toast/pb/naner combo that the running fairy (read: my hubby) made for me, and contemplated I had 7 mi to run.


The run was pretty uneventful. It was warmer than I wanted (since I couldn't wake up earlier than 7am), and I definitely felt sluggish, but overall it was fine. I did listen to my body, and tackled 6mi instead of 7. I was tired at 6, and knew that I should just call it off and not injure myself, etc.

So, lesson learned. In the words of SNL's spoof on the great GW:

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

???? : )

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