Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Still on the wagon! Or...er...running along side the wagon?

After several failed attempts at 3-4 milers last week (I blame it on improper fueling, too much coffee, not enough water, and general laziness), I awoke Sunday to a massive thunderstorm.

After training for my first 13.1 and running three quarters of the training on a treadmill, I vowed to do most of my running outdoors, rain or shine. I really feel that for newbies, running outside makes you the most prepared for race day.

So, I asked for a running rain jacket for my birthday - check! No more excuses for the rain! I have a vest and gloves for cold days, a hat with a cool ponytail hole for even colder days, and plenty of other running acoutrements.

Sadly, I do not have a block-lightning-from-striking-me-dead-hat. (Do they make those?)

After several reports of golfers and those outdoors during thunderstorms being hit my Thomas Eddison's nemesis, I decided to call off my outdoor run and head for the treadmill.

My husband was planning a 7 miler, and I had 4 planned. Given how slow I run, I knew we would finish right around the same time! (Embarrassing, I know...) I actually had a lovely run. I really focused on breathing and my stride, and managed to keep my heart rate down in the reasonable zone (160's) until I hit mile 3, then it jumped up.

A redeeming run is really one of the best things out there. It makes up for so many crummy runs when your legs feel like lead. This treadmill run, while not outside, was still a good thing, and exactly what I needed.

The good news? A St. Louis Rock 'N Roll Marathon is now on the books for 10/23/11. Who has two thumbs and is contemplating signing herself up? ---> This girl <------

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