Monday, March 22, 2010

8 miles!

I used to read stories of people who took two cars to their running locals so as to not end up on the other end of the park, miles away from their car. (Do you see where this is going?)

The good news is, I ran 8 miles on Friday. Eight. Miles. Wowza.

I had to stop for a few walk breaks -but ended up with a 11:20min mile pace even with my walk breaks - not too shabby. For me, the first 4-5 miles are always a bit of a struggle, but once I get past 5, everything is gravy! It did feel nice to run 8 miles and then feel like if I had to run another 5, I could!

The bad news was, that I didn't plan accordingly, and ended up 2.5 miles from my car after running 8 miles. And I was out of water. And none of the water fountains were turned on in the park. Go figure.

After walking a mile, I could see my car in the distance, across the golf course. I had two choices - either walk on the running path (which would take another 1.5 miles to get there), or sprint across the golf course and hope I didn't get pummeled with golf balls.

The result? Oh, I ran like a mad woman across the golf course, scaring several golfers in the process. I was tired, sweaty, and probably had the most flailing gait since I was exhausted. Just. Wanted. To. Be. Inside. Car.

Haha. I did get quite a laugh out of it when it was all said and done.

The great thing about running 8 miles? You pretty much run off whatever you have eaten so far that day. Yum for dinner!

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