Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The ivy doesn't make you pretentious, you make you pretentious

Yes, I went to an Ivy League school, and lived to tell. No, it wasn't like the movies. Yes, it was a lot of hard work, and sometimes I do wonder if I could have been happier at an easier school.

In the end, I graduated and moved forth into the wide wide world. I secured a job, I got married, and now, I am tackling the most recent to-do list item: run a half marathon.

I started this blog in an attempt to hold myself accountable. The 70 dollar registration fee won't make me complete the task...though it should at least contribute some financial incentive. But the feeling of crossing one item off my 101 in 1001 list ( just might incentivize me beyond belief.

So, my friends. The mission begins. Can I maintain my sanity, my love of cooking, my girly nature, all while completing the task? We. Shall. See.

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